The 7 Most Pressing Social Justice Issues In America

Published April 14th, 2021
Social injustices are present in the world, that is a fact. America, with its booming economy and democracy has its own unique set of issues. We just cannot seem to resolve some issues due to corruption, failure to agree on the science, and deeply seated biases. However, many other reasons may cause social injustices. Americans have wanted to resolve their society’s issues for a long time now, but as time goes on, things just seem to continue on the way they always have. This article will address a few of the most alarming social justice issues evident in America today.
Social Justice Issues in America
1. Climate Change
Climate change has been a significant issue in the entire world since the industrial revolution. The environment in which we live is constantly bombarded with man made pollution, and the humankind does not seem to be doing anything to address this issue. Sure some people conduct practices that benefit the environment, but a few people who recycle are not enough to restore the natural state and beauty of the world we live in.
Severe environmental issues are evident in different events in the world, from the Australian wildfires to the high temperatures in the Arctic. People often think that climate change is the responsibility of scientists and environmentalists. However, the reality is that once each individual learns how to discipline themselves, there can be a significant amount of change in other social issues such as agricultural and economic issues.
2. Healthcare System
The quality of America’s healthcare system is one of the best in the world but the costs are prohibitive for people with lower incomes. Not all individuals receive the attention and care they need to survive. America’s healthcare system does not offer quality services to all citizens equally. Most issues of healthcare include the system’s failure to support individuals struggling with mental health problems.
The healthcare system is part of a private industry that seeks to maximize profits. Since 1980, the price of healthcare insurance has increased ten times. U.S. healthcare systems follow a direct-fee system wherein citizens under the age of 65 must pay for their health insurance by themselves. The lack of healthcare insurance of many U.S. citizens means they are less likely to receive care that prevents them from acquiring severe illnesses.

3. Racism
One of the most prominent issues in people’s minds in the USA today is racism. Some people just cannot seem to get rid of racist attitudes towards people of different ethnicities. The rest of us are left arguing about how to best solve this issue. Discrimination is evident in various situations, from school performance, economic opportunities, and more.
In 2020, George Floyd’s killing started the Black lives Matter movement that aimed to raise awareness of racism in America. While there are many BLM movement supporters, some individuals disagree with the movements foundational claims.
4. Gun Violence
Gun violence is a pretty self-explanatory issue that most people will understand the severity of. Mass shootings are one of the most tragic events that have occurred in America. Dozens of children have lost their lives, and families have lost at least one family member from gun violence. Even survivors of mass shootings and gun violence still cannot walk away without having some kind of injury and PTSD.
5. Voting Rights
You would think that as a citizen, your voting right cannot be taken from you quickly. As American citizens, you should be able to exercise your right to vote freely and as much as you can. Due to numerous factors such as complex voter registration processes, strict identification requirements, and short voting windows, several voters, such as senior citizens and college students, have trouble voting.
6. Hunger Crisis
Millions of citizens experience severe hunger due to poverty and lack of food. Food insecurity continues to be evident in the U.S. As unemployment rates increase, accessing food will remain a challenge for the poor. Studies show that younger generations, or what we call Gen Z, believe that poverty is one of the most severe issues that need concrete plans and actions. In comparison, older generations perceive the issue not to be as serious as it is. Through this information, we can only hope that future generations can address the issue and resolve it well enough to lower and possibly eliminate the total number of people experiencing food insecurity and poverty.
7. Inequality
Next on the list of most evident social issues in America is inequality. Whether it’s having equal chances of acquiring medical care or having fair access to resources, people often experience inequality. This issue had become worse when the pandemic broke out in 2020 as people struggled to make a living and keep themselves and their families alive amidst unemployment. Thousands of lives have been lost due to COVID-19, and unemployment rates went up after the government closed up different establishments.
Social justice issues continue to threaten democracy and economic joy in America. People live their lives each day without realizing that there are many things wrong in the society they live in. Not everyone has the privilege to live in such a manner. Often, we do not realize how genuinely troublesome the world is. As citizens, it is your duty to fight for what is right for your country and the people in it, regardless of their race.
These issues do not simply disappear on their own. Social issues like these require immediate action. Otherwise, they will continue to get worse. Remember to fight for your rights as a citizen, fight for the rights of those who cannot fend for themselves, and always do what is best for the society you live in. This way, you can slowly but surely resolve any issue that remains evident in your community.
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About The Author
Krizzia Paolyn is an SEO Specialist with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. It has always been her passion to share her voice, and at the same time, to encourage other people to speak up.