Is Hemp Oil Now Legal In Texas?

Published August 8, 2021
Other hemp-derived products, including CBD oil, are widely available in Texas. This means that the majority of Texans can now benefit from cannabidiol’s numerous medicinal benefits, which range from anxiety reduction to chronic pain relief.
However, is hemp oil legal in Texas? The answer is that hemp-derived CBD oil is now legal in the Lone Star State for sale and use. Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 1325 into law on June 10, 2019, effectively legalizing hemp-derived products such as CBD oil as long as they contained less than 0.3 percent THC.
More precisely, this piece of legislation amended the Texas Health & Safety Code, prohibiting hemp from being classed or characterized as a ‘controlled substance’ at the state level. Additionally, the bill altered the Texas Agriculture Code to regulate hemp and hemp-related products.
The majority of CBD oil users, businesses, and experts have hailed this law as a watershed moment for those seeking alternative therapies for chronic diseases such as anxiety and pain. Unsurprisingly, demand for legal CBD products has already skyrocketed in Texas, to the point where there is a shortage of Christmas trees.
The Federal Government Say on CBD Oil
Hemp, the major source of CBD oil, has a long and illustrious history in the United States, particularly in Texas. When imported from Europe, it accounted for a sizable portion of the textile industry in the United States, with the vast majority being used to manufacture clothing and ship sails.
Hemp was legal until the early twentieth century, when it was stigmatized, partly due to its close association with its psychotropic relative, marijuana. Both were quickly criminalized with alcohol, and the prohibition lasted much beyond the period of prohibition.
However, all of this changed when the United States Senate passed a revised version of the Farm Bill in 2018.
Early that year, President Donald Trump signed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. One portion of the revised Farm Bill deregulated hemp and non-psychoactive hemp products, reclassifying them as non-controlled substances.
The bill legalized hemp and hemp-derived products such as CBD oil in all 50 states. The sole stipulation is that permitted growing should be limited to industrial hemp strains with a low THC content.
Similarly, the Act specifies that CBD oil and other hemp-derived products must contain less than 0.3 percent THC in order to be permitted. Any product that exceeds this THC limit is prohibited on a federal level but may be legal in states with legalized marijuana for recreational or therapeutic purposes.
How About CBD Tinctures? Are They Legal?
CBD oil and CBD tinctures are both allowed in Texas if they are derived from hemp plants with a THC content of less than 0.3%. While the two are frequently referred to, labeled, and used interchangeably, there are critical distinctions that users must understand from a quality and legal standpoint.
The term ‘tincture’ refers to an alcohol-extracted medicinal plant extract. Tinctures, by definition, also derive their therapeutic properties from herbs or plants such as hemp. In this way, tinctures are similar to oils, but not all oils are tinctures.
Thus, CBD tinctures are CBD oils derived solely using the alcohol extraction technique from the hemp plant.
On the other hand, CBD oil is a hemp-derived substance that may be extracted in a variety of ways, including hydrocarbon extraction, steam distillation, CO2 extraction, and, of course, alcohol extraction.
The basic fact is that while CBD oils and tinctures are identical, they are extracted differently. As a result, tinctures may be excessively concentrated in some situations, making them excellent for microdosing for conditions requiring immediate treatment.

CBD Oil vs. Hemp Oil
While some people use these two terms synonymously, they are not the same. CBD oil is a full-spectrum hemp extract, meaning it is made from the entire plant, including the flowers, stalks, and leaves.
On the other hand, hemp oil is an oil extract made from crushed seeds frequently used as a condiment, dressing, and low-heat cooking. Because hemp oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and protein, it can help boost your diet’s nutritional value.
Regrettably, for CBD enthusiasts, hemp seed oil does not contain enough cannabidiol to achieve the therapeutic advantages associated with CBD oil. Nonetheless, your question, “is hemp oil legal in Texas?” has been answered. Indeed, hemp oil and CBD oil are allowed in Texas as long as their THC concentration does not exceed 0.3 percent.
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About The Author
Krizzia Paolyn is an SEO Specialist with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. It has always been her passion to share her voice, and at the same time, to encourage other people to speak up.