How to Write a Letter to a Judge (With Sample)

Published September 20, 2022
If you’re locked in a legal battle, writing a letter to the judge might help you get a favorable decision. However, you should know that communicating with a judge outside of formal court proceedings is not allowed. Unless the law expressly permits it.
So if you’re planning to write a professional letter to the judge, talk to your lawyer first to know if such will help your case. A letter may sway the judge’s opinion in your favor. But sometimes, it achieves the opposite.
If your lawyer permits you to do so, here’s how to write a letter to a judge and ensure that their decision will be to your advantage.
What Letter Format to Use
When writing a letter to a judge, you should write in a business format. Use formal fonts and formal words. Remember that you are talking to a professional, not to a friend.
The business format uses left-aligned text for the entire letter. Write the date at the topmost part of the letter. This is followed by the judge’s address. Don’t forget to leave one line between the two. Then write your own name and address two lines beneath the judge’s name and address.
Next comes the salutation. Most US judges can be addressed as “Dear Judge (surname)”. But if you’re writing to a state or Federal Supreme Court judge, use “Dear Justice” instead. Or if you’re writing to the Chief Justice, you may also address them as such.
After the salutation, you can begin writing the body of your letter. Start by stating your purpose followed by everything you want to say to the judge. Keep it short and simple. Ideally, not more than one page. Don’t forget to check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Close your letter with “Respectfully” or “Respectfully yours” followed by a comma. Beneath that, write your full name and signature.
To give you a visualization, the format looks like this:
<Name of the Judge>
<Court Name>
<City, State Zip>
<Name of Sender>
<Address of Sender>
Dear Judge,
I am writing this letter to <state your purpose and anything you want to say to the judge>
<Your signature>
<Your full name>
Writing a Letter to a Judge for a Specific Purpose
There are plenty of reasons why someone would write to a judge. But know that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to these letters. Though the format remains the same, the content and how you present your letter depend on your intent.
Here’s how to write a letter to a judge for a specific purpose:
Letter for Leniency
If you’re writing to plead for a lighter sentence, give specific details on why you deserve such. Through your words, paint the judge a clear picture of your situation. Help him/her understand what you are going through or why you did what you did. You can also ask a close friend or family for additional suggestions. Sometimes, there are good things about us that only other people can see.
Character Reference Letter
The main purpose of a character letter to a judge is to vouch for a defendant’s character. This will help the judge see the defendant like how the community sees him/her.
If you’re writing a character letter, don’t forget to introduce yourself first. State your name, occupation, and any credentials that will convince the judge that you are in a position to vouch for someone’s character.
Inform the judge that you know about the defendant’s legal charges and state how you know the defendant. It would be more helpful if you can include how many years you’ve known each other. Then state your reasons why you support the defendant. It may also help if you can list down some of the defendant’s positive character traits.
Letter to Dismiss a Case
Sometimes, the victim will come to terms with the defendant and decides not to pursue the case anymore. But an appeal to dismiss a case doesn’t warrant a letter to a judge. Instead, you can write to the district attorney and state your reasons for withdrawing the charges. Besides, with no cooperation from you, the case can’t move forward and will eventually be dismissed.
Letter to Dismiss a Ticket
Depending on your violation, you can ask for a reduction of your fines. But as for dismissing the ticket, there’s a very slim chance of that ever happening. Most courts, however, will allow you to pull the tickets out of collection and even waive the collection fees. But you must show them a compelling reason why you failed to pay your traffic tickets.
Letter for Child Custody
There are usually three types of letter you can send to a judge in child custody cases:
- character reference letter
- child visitation letter
- declaration for child custody
If both parents can’t agree on a custody arrangement, the court may require them to write a declaration for child custody. But if you’re writing to the judge in behalf of the parent you think should get custody, you can send them a character reference letter.
Regardless of the type of child custody letter you’re writing, the most crucial thing to remember is to never badmouth the other parent. You may hate your ex-partner to the core of your being but speaking ill of them will only make you look bad in the eyes of the judge.
Also, avoid discussing your relationship with the other parent. This is about the child, not you. All the court cares about, at this point, is the welfare of the child. So just point out the facts without bias or malice and avoid exaggerations.

Useful Tips When Writing a Letter to a Judge
Address The Judge By Her Correct Name
You should begin your letter by addressing the correct name of the judge. Not putting the appropriate name of the judge might show rudeness. It will also give the impression that you’re not sincere because you did not even put an effort to know the name of the judge.
State The Purpose Of Your Letter Clearly
The judge should know why you are writing a letter in the first place. Do you want a lighter sentence? Do you want a lesser fine? You should include it in your letter.
For example, you can write that your family depends on you. Lengthier jail time will affect them emotionally and financially. It can also result in job loss and loss of income. All these can affect you, your family, and everyone around you.
Provide Details of Your Case
Judges oversee hundreds of cases at any given time. As such, you really can’t expect them to remember every single case assigned to them. Including details of your case in the letter will help nudge their memory and lets them know which case you’re referring to exactly.
There’s no need to disclose everything you know about your case. Most of the time, the names of the people involved in the case should suffice. Or any pertinent information that distinguishes it from the rest. If you know that case number, you can indicate that too.
For instance, saying “I was charged with Class A misdemeanor for calling 911 to report a fake emergency.” is much better than “I am charged with misdemeanor”. With so many misdemeanor cases assigned to them, they probably won’t go through all that hassle of combing through their records just to determine which case you’re talking about. Instead of helping your case, your letter may just end up in the trash.
Accept Responsibility and Show Regret
If your primary purpose for writing to the judge is to ask for a lighter sentence, it’s best to admit that what you did was wrong. Show your remorse and state that you really regret what you did.
For instance, you can say: “I am guilty and not proud of what I’ve done to the victim.”
Your letter should also show that you are sincere and truthful. It will increase your chances of convincing the judge to be more lenient towards you.
Include Other Arrests or Crimes
It’s to your advantage if this is your first offense. However, if you have had previous convictions, you should convince the judge that you’ve already overcome the issue. Also, include proof that shows you’re no longer at risk of re-offending.
State Example of Your Good Deeds
Another thing that you can include in your letter is an example of your previous good deeds. If you’re a member of an organization or do charity work, then you can let the judge know through your letter.
This can help the judge have an impression of how capable you are of living as a good person.
Thank the Judge
Lastly, it would help if you thank the judge for taking the time to read your letter. You can also include that you’ll be thankful no matter what the outcome might be. But be careful not to use too much flattery. They will see right through it and may affect their opinion of you.
Print Your Letter in a Clean Sheet of Paper
Technically speaking, you can send a handwritten letter to the judge. But it might not be the wisest course of action.
Remember that you are sending a professional letter to the judge. A handwritten letter in a slightly crumpled paper doesn’t really fit the bill. Besides, a handwritten letter isn’t as legible as a printed one. If the judge will have a hard time reading your letter, then you won’t effectively get your message across. They may not even continue to read it.
If you can print the letter on letterhead, then all the better. It will not only make the letter look professional. It can also add an air of legitimacy and credibility to it.
Sample Letter to a Judge
To give you an idea of what a typical letter to a judge looks like, here are some sample letters you can check out:
Sample Letter of Leniency and Character Reference
September 8, 2021
The Honorable John F. Smith
United States District Court for the District of Maryland
Greenbelt, Maryland 20706
Jane Doe
Baltimore Avenue, Baltimore City
Maryland 21201
Dear Judge Smith,
I am writing this letter to request for leniency for Janet Lee who was convicted of forgery on September 7, 2021 and will be sentenced on September 15, 2021. She had been my employee for the past ten years at Doe Incorporated.
I appreciate your fairness throughout the trial and understand she was fairly convicted of the charges filed against her. I would like to mention that even though she issued a forged check, it is a highly unusual action for her as she had been an honest employee. The circumstances of her life and finances at that time were rather dire which pushed her to do such actions.
Janet is the sole provider for her younger brother and sister since their parents died in a plane crash three years ago. Her sister became seriously ill with leukemia and required hospitalization. She has health insurance at work, but it was not enough to cover all of her expenses, and she was terrified for her life. Since her arrest, several local people have joined to give the help she needed, which shows she is loved in the community. She has since fully recovered.
She sincerely regrets her actions and vows never to repeat them. I believe her because I know her well and humbly request a lenient sentence as a prison stint will put his family in severe difficulty. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I can be reached at +1 (443) 555 2356.
<Your signature>
Jane Doe
Sample Letter to Dismiss a Case
September 8, 2021
The Honorable John F. Smith
United States District Court for the District of Maryland
Greenbelt, Maryland 20706
Jane Doe
Baltimore Avenue, Baltimore City
Maryland 21201
Dear Judge Smith,
I am writing this letter to request for the dismissal of the petty theft charge I filed against Sarah Lee on September 1, 2021. Due to recent developments, I am withdrawing my intent to pursue the case. I have already settled the matter with Ms. Lee and we are working towards patching up our friendship.
If the court needs further information, I can be reached at +1 (443) 555 2356.
<Your signature>
Jane Doe
Sample Letter for Child Custody
September 8, 2021
The Honorable John F. Smith
United States District Court for the District of Maryland
Greenbelt, Maryland 20706
Jane Doe
Baltimore Avenue, Baltimore City
Maryland 21201
Dear Judge Smith,
John Hay and I were married in August 2015. We had our first child together on September 2016, and another one on July 2018. I am asking for physical custody of our children and supervised visitation for John Hay.
Since our separation two months ago, the children have been living with me exclusively. John Hay has paid agreed-upon child support. He has visited the children only once. I am living in the family home and paying the mortgage and utilities. John Hay is currently staying in an unknown location.
If the children live with me, they will be able to maintain the home they are used to, and attend the same school and activities as they have in the past. I am working as a bank manager and earning $90,000 a year. I have never been charged with any crime and has diligently attended my children’s school activities.
Given the information above, I am asking the court to order that the children live with me full time and that John Hay receive supervised visitation at regular intervals. I would like support to continue to be paid as it has been.
<Your signature>
Jane Doe
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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the GlobalTel blog. She works hard to ensure her work contains accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources and doesn’t settle for less. Her passion for telling stories about true crime and criminal justice has allowed her to create hundreds of articles that have benefited millions of people.