FBI and CIA’s Areas of Focus and Differences

Published February 6, 2023
FBI vs CIA is a question that is relatively easy to answer. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are both parts of the United States Intelligence Community. The FBI is a threat-focused, intelligence-driven national security institution with law enforcement and intelligence responsibilities. Meanwhile, the CIA does not have any role in law enforcement. Instead, it gathers and assesses data critical to U.S. policy development, especially in areas that affect national security.
FBI vs CIA: FBI Overview
The FBI is the primary investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and a member of the United States Intelligence Community. This agency is authorized and tasked with conducting investigations into various criminal matters, as well as providing cooperation assistance to other law enforcement organizations through things like fingerprint identification, laboratory testing, and training. In addition to conducting its own investigations and assisting other law enforcement agencies, the FBI collects, analyzes, and shares intelligence to identify better and counter security risks facing the United States.
FBI Structure
Listed below are the five primary branches of the FBI and the duties they perform:
1. Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch
The CCRSB investigates white-collar crime, financial crime, violent crime, public corruption, organized crime, drug-related crime, and civil rights violation. The Branch is also responsible for monitoring cybercrime as it relates to counterterrorism and counterintelligence, as well as other criminal threats to the United States.
2. Science and Technology Branch
FBI scientists apply scientific accuracy to solve cases and prevent criminal activity and terrorism, whether they are analyzing DNA or digital evidence found at a crime scene or tracing explosive fragments to terrorists.
3. National Security Branch
Under the supervision of a senior FBI official, the National Security Branch (NSB) integrates the capabilities, objectives, and resources of the FBI’s national security divisions.
4. Human Resources Branch
The Human Resources Branch (HRB) is in charge of the FBI’s internal human resources needs and the FBI Academy, which trains new FBI agents.
5. Information and Technology Branch
The Information and Technology Branch (ITB) is responsible for the information management and information technology needs of the FBI. ITB facilitates the creation and sharing, as well as the implementation, of FBI knowledge products with the broader law enforcement community in an effort to increase the effectiveness of crime fighting on a national scale.

FBI vs CIA: CIA Overview
The difference between CIA and FBI is that the CIA only collects information about foreign countries, including their residents. The CIA cannot gather data or information on “U.S. Persons,” which includes U.S. citizens, resident aliens, corporations, and legal immigrants, regardless of their location. The CIA is also composed of multidisciplinary Mission Centers that combine all of their analytic, operational, digital, and technical capabilities.
CIA Structure
Listed below are the five directorates of the CIA and the duties they perform:
1. Directorate of Analysis
The Directorate of Analysis delivers accurate, objective intelligence analysis. Analysts inform U.S. officials about key international issues. Officers within this directorate are skilled puzzle-solvers who make sense of information that is often incomplete. Then, they provide policymakers with written reports and briefings to assist them in making decisions.
2. Directorate of Digital Innovation
The CIA’s newest directorate boosts agency-wide innovation. The directorate ensures that teams have the tools and procedures necessary to function clandestinely. From IT infrastructure to cybersecurity, they keep the agency at the top of the digital world.
3. Directorate of Science and Technology
In support of the CIA’s foreign intelligence mission, the Directorate of Science and Technology delivers innovative engineering, scientific, and technical solutions; they use their knowledge to address intelligence issues.
4. Directorate of Operations
This unit is responsible for gathering intelligence from human sources (human intelligence, a.k.a. HUMINT). Under special circumstances, the president will occasionally direct them to engage in covert action.
5. Directorate of Support
The Directorate of Support is in charge of key support functions such as facilities, security, financial services, supply chains, medical services, logistics, human resources, and business systems. For assignments and tasks across the globe, they are first to go in and last to go out.
One Goal
FBI vs CIA, both of which are members of the United States Intelligence Community, conduct intelligence activities that serve U.S. foreign policy and national security interests independently and jointly.
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About The Author
Krizzia Paolyn is an SEO Specialist with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. It has always been her passion to share her voice, and at the same time, to encourage other people to speak up.