What’s the Legal Age of Consent in New York?

Published Jan 07, 2024
Generally speaking, the word “consent” means to agree to something. Yet, lately, the term has become a critical part of social and political discourse. It becomes something usually referred to as consent in a sexual context.
Giving one’s sexual consent means clearly and freely agreeing to participate in a sexual activity. It makes it consensual. Every person involved in the activity must provide their consent. In failure, sexual activity without consent is considered rape or sexual assault.
In this article, we’ll talk about just that. We’ll provide a comprehensive discussion of the legal age of consent in New York. Having an awareness of this discourse is critical. The issues of consensual sexual relationships between minors and adults can be complex. As part of this kind of relationship, whether you are a minor or an adult, you must be educated on this topic. It will help empower you to make sound choices for yourself. Let’s start.
What is Consent?
Consent is an approval between participants to engage in sexual activity. It should be distinctly and freely communicated. A verbal and affirmative expression of it can help you and your partner comprehend and respect each other’s boundaries.
Consent cannot be rendered by individuals who are underage, drunken, or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol. Likewise, it cannot be provided by someone asleep or unconscious. If someone affirms an activity under the pressure of intimidation or threat, that isn’t acknowledged as consent. The reason is that it was not given freely.
Unequal power dynamics, such as participating in a sexual act with an employee or student, also mean that permission cannot be freely given.
What Is the Legal Age of Consent in New York?
It is indispensable to clearly understand the current legal age of consent in New York. In 2017, New York bumped the age of consent to be married in New York from 14 to 17 years with parental or judicial approval. Then, in July of 2021, the state again raised the age of consent to marry in New York. It went from 17 years of age to 18 years of age. As such, to be issued a marriage license and be married in NY, both parties must be at least 18 years old.
In the context of the legal age of consent in New York to consent in engagement in sexual activity, the legal age of consent for sex is 17 years old. This age requirement for support applies regardless of a person’s sex and sexual identity.
Statutory rape laws are established to prevent minors from being sexually exploited by adults. It is not to avoid sexual activities between children altogether. As such, the rules are not meant to punish those who are close in age for engaging in consensual, non-exploitative sexual conduct.
What Are the Penalties for Having Sex With Someone Underage?
New York has statutory rape laws. The laws serve to punish persons for the sexual exploitation of minors criminally. In general, all forms and degrees of statutory rape in the state are punishable as a felony. Yet, the specific criminal penalties and charges will anchor on certain factors.
1. Class B Felony
An individual may be charged with it in New York if they are guilty of rage in the first degree. In the state, a person is guilty of rape in the first degree when they participate in sexual intercourse with another individual:
- By forcible compulsion
- An individual who is incapable of consent due to being physically helpless
- With a person who is less than eleven years old
- With an individual less than thirteen years old and an eighteen or older actor.
2. Class D Felony
An individual is charged with Class D Felony in New York if they are guilty of rape in the second degree. The person is proven guilty of rape in the third degree in the following scenario:
- Being eighteen years old or more, the person participates in sexual activity with another person less than fifteen years old
- The individual engages in sexual intercourse with another person incapable of consent because of being mentally disabled. Or mentally incapacitated.
3. Class E Felony
One may be charged with it in New York once proven guilty of rape in the third degree. In the state, a person is guilty of rape in the third degree in times of:
- They engage in sexual intercourse with another person who is incapable of consent because of some other factor. It is different than being less than seventeen years old.
- Twenty-one years old or more, the person participates in sexual intercourse with another person less than seventeen years old.
- The person engages in sexual activity with another person without such person’s consent. The lack of support is due to some factor other than incapacity to consent.
Individuals charged and convicted of a class E felony; criminal penalties may include a minimum prison sentence of 3 years. And it is with a maximum of 4 years. A person that is charged and convicted of rape in the second degree is a class D felony. It carries a prison time of a minimum of 7 years.
Suppose an individual is charged and convicted of rape in the first degree. They will carry prison time ranging from 10 to 25 years old.
Criminal Sexual Act
The offense of a criminal sexual act concern itself with oral or anal sexual conduct. It is rather than sexual intercourse. The following punishment applies when the victim cannot consent because of age.
1. First-degree criminal sexual act
- The sufferer is younger than 11 years old
- The victim is 11 or 12 years of age, and the offender is 18 or older
- This offense is a Class B felony. The conviction can secure a dependent in prison for up to 25 years.
2. Second-degree criminal sexual act
- Participating in oral or anal sexual conduct with someone under 15 years old, and the offender is 18 years of age or older.
- This offense is a class D felony conviction. It can land a defendant up to seven years in prison.
3. Third-degree criminal sexual act
- The defendant is 21 or older and participates in oral or anal sexual activity with a person younger than 17 years old.
- Class E felony. It carries up to four years in prison.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse crimes consist of sexual contact or touching in an arousing or sexually gratifying way. It is the case even over clothing.
1. First-degree sexual abuse
- The victim is younger than 11
- The victim is 11 or 12 years of age, and the offender is 21 or older.
- This offense is a Class D felony. It is punishable by up to seven years in prison.
2. Second-degree sexual abuse
- The victim is younger than 14 years old.
- Class A misdemeanor. It subjects a guilty defendant to up to 364 days in jail.
3. Third-degree sexual abuse
- Sexual contact between a minor who is 15 or 16 years of age and a defendant who is less than five years older than the victim.
- Class B misdemeanor. It can ensue in up to three months in jail.
Sexual Misconduct
Sexual misconduct charges typically apply to consensual sexual activity with a person younger than 17. It involves intercourse, oral, or anal sexual conduct. The parties are close in age. The prosecutor could charge the following individuals with it so long as:
- A sufferer is 15, 16, or 17 years old. The defendant is younger than 21.
- A victim is 11 to 15 years old. The defendant, who is a minor, is less than four years old.
Sexual misconduct is defined as a class A misdemeanor. It carries penalties of up to 364 days in jail.

Frequently Asked Questions About Age of Consent in New York
Is 18 a minor in New York?
No. In New York, a person is considered an adult at 18. They are considered legally accountable for their actions. This means that individuals who are 18 or older are not deemed minors in New York.
Can a 17-year-old consent to a 20-year-old in New York?
In New York, the age of consent is 17 years old. It means that individuals who are at least 17 years old can legally approve of sexual activity with another person. And it is regardless of the other person’s age. Thus, a 17-year-old can legally consent to a 20-year-old in New York.
What is the lowest age of consent in the world?
The lowest age of consent globally is 11 years old. It exists in Nigeria. People who are 11 years old or older can then legally consent to engage in sexual activity.
Can a 17-year-old date a 30-year-old in New York?
In New York, the age of consent is 17 years old. It means that individuals who are at least 17 years of age can legally approve of sexual activity with another person. And it is regardless of the other person’s age. Thus, a 17-year-old can technically date a 30-year-old in New York.
As adults living according to the correct life principles, we must exercise consent in all forms. Sexual abuse of any kind will never be okay. It is a cruel act that can alter a person’s life forever. Its impact goes deep beyond what is explainable. Further, no one is deserving of it.
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About The Author
Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the GlobalTel blog. She works hard to ensure her work contains accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources and doesn’t settle for less. Her passion for telling stories about true crime and criminal justice has allowed her to create hundreds of articles that have benefited millions of people.